
Zde najdete většinu našeho sortimentu, který nabízíme.


Here you can find almost all range of goods what we offer.


Espresso 55 ,-
Macchiato 60 ,-
Flat white 80 ,-
Cappuccino 70 ,-
Caffe Latte 80 ,-
Batch brew

65 ,-

Chai latte 80 ,-
Extra shot 15 ,-
Cascara 65 ,-
Espresso tonic 89 ,-
NITRO tonic 95 ,-
NITRO batch brew 75 ,-
NITRO cascara 75 ,-
Croissant 65 ,-
Croissant - pistachio 95 ,-
Danish - blackberry 85 ,-
Cinnamon Roll 75 ,-
Baked almond cream with currant 85 ,-
Croissant - cheddar, ham 85 ,-
Pain au chocolat 85 ,-
Cruffin 85 ,-
Croissant - marzipan, almonds 85 ,-
Další nápoje/Other drinks
Tea 65 ,-
Lemonade 55 ,-
Chai Rum Bum 109 ,-